Black Lab Image Creator 1.5 will be released Oct 15, 2014. This will include full support for Ubuntu 14.10 as well as Linux Mint 17. Now I want to respond to a lad named cactusneedle who wrote a comment about us taking this project a donation required project.
The Linux and Open Source philosophy does not require us to make our project free as in beer, it requires us to make the source code available. We do this with every donation that we receive. You get a copy of the sources and an install file and we offer support for this piece of software like we do for Black Lab Enterprise Desktop.
Users who donate $50.00 USD, one TIME, get free upgrades for the life of the project. We think thats fair. Now, when Frag quit producing remastersys he quit because of the problem we were having which was funding. We are keeping this project alive and ARE NOT giving up on it.