It has come to our attention that some users are having an issue when installing with Ubuntu Software Center that they are getting a message "The Package is of bad quality: The installation of a package which violates the quality standards isn't
allowed. This could cause serious problems on your computer. Please
contact the person or organisation who provided this package file and
include the details beneath."
The Ubuntu Software Center uses a program called Lintian and lintian If the package doesn't meet the Debian policy, then it is considered to be of a poor quality.
This does not mean that the package is bad. And you can install it using gdebi,
sudo apt-get install gdebi
and you can right click the deb file and install with Gdebi. Or you can install via the command line using
sudo dpkg -i
It doesnt like the way we set the file permissions and the problem happens because the build script has to be set to a certain permission and marked executable otherwise it falls on the user to go through and set the permissions.
But there is no issue with the package quality. The Ubuntu software Center is doing its job and pretty much and flagging packages that are not administered via the software center.
More information on this issue plaguing other packages can be found here
And more information on Lintian can be found here
We are working on this to correct the problem with the Lintian checker.